Our company has been in existence since 2016
We made the first all-terrain vehicle in 2014, it was conceived and assembled for personal use when it became clear that SUVs and ATVs stopped driving where they wanted. A lot has changed since then. And first of all - our concept.
We realized that we can produce high-quality, reliable, unpretentious and extremely passable all-terrain vehicles at affordable prices.
We have launched a line of our all-terrain vehicles at the lowest prices in its class!
This segment of motor vehicles has always been distinguished by a high cost, while in the vast expanses of our vast Homeland there are a huge number of travelers, fishermen, hunters and residents of remote settlements who cannot afford an all-terrain vehicle as a vehicle.
Hello! Question-is the safety frame included in the basic configuration of the conveyor 2.0?
Good night, Yaroslav! No, the safety frame is not included in the basic cost of the Conveyor, more information about basic and additional options can be found in the price list, each model has it in the Documents section!)
Does the price of all-terrain vehicles include a recycling fee or not?
Good evening, Boris! No, the disposal fee is not included in the cost of all-terrain vehicles, because registration is still impossible at the moment, due to the fact that certification is an extremely complex, time-consuming and sooo long process!(
But even after passing certification, we will not include the disposal fee in the cost of all-terrain vehicles, but we will issue technical specifications and certificates to everyone, and together with the purchase and sale agreement, at the place of registration of the buyer, it will be possible to obtain a PSM, having previously paid the disposal fee at the local supervisory authority.
And where can I talk to real owners who already have at least a year of operating experience?
Do you put a bridge with GAS on the mini?, if not, for what reason?
I’m looking for an all-terrain vehicle option for myself, but I don’t believe too much in VAZ bridges, even reinforced ones, I have to go far, for one trip more than 100 km, so I want to be sure that you will come back the same way you left home.
As a rule, I drive alone, this also makes me think about reliability.
Good afternoon, Mikhail! You can ask questions here, all users can comment and answer, you can join our Vkontakte group – there is always a very active discussion there!)
We put the GAS bridge on the Mini, we generally now put only GAS components on all models) We understand you perfectly well, we also came to the conclusion a long time ago that VAZ bridges and gearboxes do not withstand loads when turning diff, and this practice can be traced to all manufacturers of such equipment (But on GAS components you can confidently drive both 100 and 200 km and be sure that you will return home on an all-terrain vehicle! But if you most often drive alone, we recommend that you be sure to put a winch, and quick-release, both on the front and on the back, and carry spare belts of the variator with you)
Good afternoon, tell me the size and loosening of the wheel and which car is suitable?
Good afternoon, Ruslan! Depending on what model year you have an all-terrain vehicle, the very first models were on VAZ 14-x disks, then they put disks from the Volga, at the moment they are regular ones from Ford Mondeo, the loosening is the same as the Volga ones – 5×108!)
I beg your pardon! I’ll ask you one question! How much have prices increased due to the crowned contagion and the fall of our wooden ruble?
Alexander, at the moment the base cost of all-terrain vehicles has increased by 10,000 rubles, because now all all-terrain vehicles in the base come with a Gas bridge and 15 wheels, but this has nothing to do with the pandemic!) There is a possibility that engine suppliers will raise prices by autumn, but we do not think that the increase will be significant, most likely within 1 000 – 2 000 rub .
I’ve been using cuttlefish for two years, picking up everything! I didn’t even pay attention to the goose! But by chance, out of boredom, I watched a video where cuttlefish and your tank were compared! The desire for this four-wheeled cow with rims instantly disappeared! Questions to you already for the glands, but there is no time to ask! I’m going on a flight tomorrow! It seems to me that your “lunokhod” is both more reliable and more passable, and at a more pleasant price! From the flight I will come, wait for questions! I have a bunch of them! By autumn I think I will show up in your Moscow store! Good luck to you guys!
Good evening, Alexander! We are glad to hear that you have realized the futility of wheelers-carats in comparison with tracked all-terrain vehicles, with which we hasten to congratulate you!)) Tracked all-terrain vehicles are indeed more reliable, unpretentious and passable than cuttlefish, while the differences in cost depend more on the models. For example, our Dobrynya Mini model is cheaper than most carats, but the Conveyor and Bulat models are about the same) We are looking forward to your return from the flight and will be happy to advise you, 8-906-768-93-78 – Alexander, call. Or, upon arrival, you can leave your contacts and we will contact you. Have a good flight, a fair wind and no nail or rod, as they say!)
Good afternoon. Additional information is available
The option to install a 50 cm wide goose ?
Vasily, good afternoon! At the moment, the goose is already 46 cm in the base, and it is more than enough even on decent snow and swamps, and the specific pressure on the ground of all-terrain vehicles is small (on average 0.05 kg / cm2) In case of use in the northern regions and exceptionally deep snows, we have a 15 cm caterpillar expander on each side, but we recommend using it only in winter. If this does not seem enough to you, of course, we can individually make you an all-terrain vehicle with a width of 50 cm, but will it be advisable?) What region do you have where you plan to use the all-terrain vehicle? And what kind of soil is mainly swamps, swamps, snow?)
Hello, I am from Peru and I am interested in Dobrynya quad bikes, more detailed information in Spanish by e-mail corp-ms@hotmail.com
Hello, Wilman!) We are glad to hear that even in Peru people are interested in our equipment! Yes, we will be happy to discuss all the details with you and also will consult you in more detail, it possible in English or in Spanish) We have sent an email to your e-mail address.
Hola, Wilman!) Estamos contentos de escuchar que incluso en Perú la gente está interesada en nuestro equipo! Sí, estaremos encantados de discutir todos los detalles con usted y consultarlo en detalle, es posible en inglés o en español) Hemos enviado un correo electrónico a su dirección de correo electrónico.
Transporter May 2019 release, mileage 20 km. When driving a distance of 1-2 km on a flat road, the 24 HP motor heats up to 130 degrees, (in the instructions up to 110) you have to stop and wait for it to cool down. This is very inconvenient. Why is this happening and what to do about it.
Vladimir, we welcome you! We put an electronic engine temperature sensor on all-terrain vehicles of 19 years (now mechanical) and it was put on a candle, so the operating temperature range was from 120 to 180 degrees, and we always warned about this, probably you did not attach importance to this) therefore, 130 degrees is quite an operating temperature, you do not need to do anything, you also do not need to stop, you can safely continue driving!)
Tell me, are the all-terrain vehicle units designed for long transitions of 200-400 km? If the design of the all-terrain vehicle needs to be changed in any way, do you work on an individual order?
Good afternoon, Pavel! Frankly speaking, it is difficult to guarantee 100%, because we personally have no experience of such continuous operation, we drove no more than 70 km a day! But there are customers who overcome 150-200 km through the marshes for departure, without any breakdowns, so we assume that 200-400 all-terrain vehicles will pass) in any case, we would recommend taking a spare variator belt and oil for maintenance at such distances!
According to the design of the all-terrain vehicle – depending on what you mean by changes, we can do something individually, something not, if it will radically affect the performance characteristics of the all-terrain vehicle. In any case, it is better to coordinate such questions individually, so call 8-906-768-93-78 Alexander, or leave your contact phone number and we will definitely contact you!
Good evening! Tell me what length Dobrynya Conveyor 2.0 with 4 axes will have. Why is there no price list for Dobryna Transporter 2.0? I would like to see a photo of the 4-axle Conveyor 2.0 both outside and inside. You can send it to the post office alexey_kokorin@mail.ru
Good evening, Alexey! The length of the 4-axis Conveyor will be 3.3 m, those are 0.5 meters longer than the base. How is there no price list? There is a price list here on the website, in the documents section, there is also one in our Vkontakte group!) We attach the photo below and also duplicated it to your email!)
Good afternoon, please tell me what a reinforced VAZ gearbox is, how much reliability increases in contrast to the usual one, and can I order it from you, the price?
Good afternoon, Alexey! The reinforced VAZ gearbox is our own development, instead of the standard 2-satellite VAZ gearbox, we manufacture 4-satellite, the metal is also more durable. Reliability increases, yes) It is possible to order, but at the moment, due to the fact that the VAZ components do not withstand such loads, we refuse them and completely switch to GAS, and the bridge and gearbox, hubs, pads, etc.)
You can also send customer contacts to the mail if they were from Nizhny Novgorod to see live and chat with a real user without leaving for 400 km!?
Nikolai, good afternoon! Unfortunately, there were no orders from Nizhny Novgorod yet!(But, you can become our first customer from Nizhny Novgorod!)) The nearest all-terrain vehicle to you is in Vladimir, if there is a desire, we will send contacts)
Good afternoon. Why exactly 3-axis modifications, and not two (at least for mini), the mass of the device does not seem to be great, and the stability on the tracks should be normal anyway?
Another question is, when are you going to get certified and if you can’t register now, then you can only ride them in the woods, and in remote villages?! Do not go out on public roads and even to large reservoirs (reservoirs) in winter for fishing, because they can check the vehicle there?!
It is written about the warranty that does not apply to the variator and the usual gearbox, but the reinforced one is guaranteed and which variators?
We welcome you, Nikolai! In a nutshell, the 2-axis version will be too short, and if without changing the length of the boat, then the goose will sag! You are all right, the mass is sufficient and with a 3-axis modification, the load is distributed better!)
We have been undergoing certification for a year, this is a very bureaucratic and tedious process in our country, so far there is no exact data when we pass, unfortunately (BUT! on public roads on tracked vehicles, in principle, it is impossible to move according to our legislation, regardless of whether it is registered or not! You can try to register it as a homemade.
The warranty did not apply to the variator when ordering with a conventional VAZ gearbox, with a reinforced gearbox, the warranty was for both the gearbox and the variator! But at the moment we have completely switched to VAZ components, and the bridge and gearbox are now from GAZ 3110!)
Hello! Please tell me do you make tracked all-terrain vehicles with UAZ axles and wheels?
Good afternoon, Andrey! No, we don’t do it with UAZ bridges and wheels, the bridge is currently GAZ 3110, the wheels are 16R from Ford Mondeo)
Hello, please tell me how the traction on the Dobrynya conveyor will be 15 hp. We have a lot of snow, let’s say
Good afternoon, Maxim! The traction of a diesel engine at the bottom will be greater than that of gasoline engines up to 20 hp, but less than that of 24-30 hp. The torque of a 15-horsepower diesel engine is 25.5 Nm.
Tell me, what is the warranty period for your all-terrain vehicles and what it extends to
Good morning, Vladislav! The warranty period for all-terrain vehicles is 1 year. Applies to everything except the Safari variator and the usual VAZ gearbox (not reinforced)
What category of rights is needed for this technique and is it possible to register with gostechnadzor without any problems?
Good evening, Yakov! Rights need category E, tractor driver-machinist. Regarding registration – at the moment we are still undergoing certification, so while registration with gostekhnadzor is not possible, tc must be certified to obtain PSM. And when registering, you will need to pay a recycling fee of 121 000 rubles. Now you can register only as a homemade!
Good day!
I liked the all-terrain vehicle, one thing upsets me-there is no blocking of the dif on the bridge. I think it would be more fun with him. Especially in winter. Not planning to?
Good afternoon, Fedor! Locking the differential is a controversial issue, at least weighting the bridge and increasing the cost, and maintenance will be more difficult, and we are for reliability and accessibility) We thought about a version with a lock, or as a separate additional option, but there is no solution yet) if we decide, we will definitely inform you, follow our news!)
Hello. How does the payment for the all-terrain vehicle happen?
Good afternoon, Igor! Payment takes place after the conclusion of the contract, 50% prepayment before manufacture, and 50% upon readiness)
Please explain the following items from the addendum. options for Conveyor 2, 0:
1. Item 13 – “Modified exhaust system with a car muffler”. But the silencer is already included in the database, is it the same or something else?
2. Item 14. “Tow bar” Is it possible to attach standard agricultural gardening equipment to it (in height), namely a plow for a tillerblock.
Thank you.
Good evening, George!)
1) The car muffler is included in the Conveyor 2.0 base only with engines 24 and 27 hp, with engines 15 – 20 hp is an additional option
2) Depends on the height of the coupling device on your equipment and its type of attachment, we can have a towbar of 3 types – a ball, an American square and a hook for the eyelets) the height of the towbar is about 50 cm from the ground)
Good afternoon, how to find a price list with an additional Equipment to dobrynya conveyor 2
Good afternoon, Vladimir! Price list in the documents section – https://atvdobrynya.ru/products/dobrynya-transporter-20,
we apologize for the delay, the price lists have been updated)
Hello, do you need a tractor driver’s license? Or is it not necessary at all?Accounting?
Good afternoon, Vasily! Yes, the rights are needed for the category of a tractor driver, this is a tracked self-propelled vehicle, not intended for use on public roads. At the moment, it is not registered, we are engaged in certification, as soon as we pass, it will be possible to receive PSM, but at the same time a recycling fee of about 121 000 rubles will be added.(
Greetings. What are the advantages of diesel engines over gasoline engines on Conveyor 2.0? Were there any tests of towing logs, for example, on different engines? And also what is the advantage of the 4-axis configuration?
Good afternoon, Ilya! Diesel engines have only one advantage – traction at the bottom, otherwise gasoline engines are more unpretentious and reliable!) they even towed a wooden booth, we have a video on VKontakte) The advantage of the 4-axle version is in passenger and cargo capacity, but at the same time the all-terrain vehicle becomes less maneuverable. heavy and rolls harder on the slopes!)
Tell me, are there any seat belts included with sprung seats?
Good afternoon, George! No, there are no seat belts included
Hello. Something I see your all-terrain vehicles cease to be “popular”). Prices have risen. What is the reason for this?! The minimum price is essentially for bare iron. Taking into account even the necessary options, the conveyor will cost under 400 thousand. And this is no longer available to everyone + logistics. Not everyone who wants to live in Krasnoyarsk or its edges.
Good afternoon, Vitaly! Our pricing policy has remained unchanged for more than a year, prices have been rising only for the reinforced gearbox!)
Hello. And do you do it with a diesel engine and how much does it cost?.
Good afternoon, Fedor! Yes, any of our models can be made with a diesel engine! The cost depends on the model you choose and additional options)
Hello, in the video we talked about the possibility of installing the engine both in the back and in the middle is it possible to order a Dobrynya Maxi with an engine in the middle and side seats on the sides and would this be an additional option?
Good evening, Dmitry! We have three models – Safari model, engine at the rear, drive – front, Maxi model – engine at the rear, drive also front, and Conveyor model – engine in the middle, drive – rear. A Maxi with an engine in the middle will not work, it will be a Conveyor, but with rear-wheel drive. The seats are included in the base, so the best option for you is to consider a Conveyor model with a central engine arrangement. By the way, in terms of weight distribution, the Conveyor is the most successful model)
I would like to ask in the video on some models, when turning, a strong whistle is heard, whether this is due to the engine power, if so, which engines do you recommend.
Welcome again, Dmitry! Such a sound is heard on the video, where the all-terrain vehicle is walking through swamps or water, it is not the whistle of the engine, but the hum or creak from the pads when braking, which is obtained as a result of the fact that there is water between the pads and the discs all the time)
Good afternoon! What about the screw? Overview, price?
Good afternoon, Nikolai! At the moment, we do not put screws, there were such versions before. There is no full-fledged review of the model with a screw, in contact on the wall you can find photos and videos.
Hello, is pickup possible?
Good afternoon, Dmitry! Yes, of course it is possible!)
is a test drive possible?
Good afternoon, Andrey! Yes, of course it is possible) To make an appointment for a test drive, call us at: 8-906-768-93-78
Hello, in the description of the equipment you manufacture, I did not find information about the certificate of conformity for this product, the question is, do you have a certificate of conformity for the production of this equipment?
Good afternoon, Andrey! No, there is no certificate at the moment, we are undergoing certification, but this process is very long and complicated in our country!) Therefore, it will definitely be – but when, it is not yet known, I think not earlier than in half a year..
Good afternoon!
Is the lock present or is it an additional option?
Good afternoon, Andrey!
No, at the moment there is no differential lock and as an option, drive on both wheels, only if one of the tracks is slowed down)
Good afternoon! Tell me how much will Dobrynya cost a conveyor with a 27L 6-axle engine with all the documents for registration in gostechnadzor? Approximate cost of delivery to Nefteyugansk?
Good afternoon, Oleg! Dobrynya Conveyor with an engine of 27 hp, in a 3-axle modification will cost from 330,000 rubles. in the basic configuration, then the cost depends on the additional options selected by you. In addition to the documents, for registration, you need to pay a recycling fee, it is 121 000 rubles. in our region. The approximate cost of delivery to Nefteyugansk is about 60,000 rubles.
Good afternoon! Tell me how soon you plan to transfer the handbrake and LED headlights from the add. options in the database and how will this affect the base cost of the all-terrain vehicle?
Good afternoon, Yuri! I think in the next month we will make appropriate changes to the price list and to the website. The base cost of the all-terrain vehicle will increase, respectively, by the base cost of the headlights and parking brake, those by approximately 10,000 rubles.
Hello! Tell me how the all-terrain vehicle moves, if there is a bridge with a differential, I just can’t understand)it seems to me all the time that one caterpillar should spin and the second one should stand and the all-terrain vehicle will spin in place, because the differential does not seem to let two wheels rotate at the same time? I don’t understand when driving both wheels drive an all-terrain vehicle? After all, on a car, one side is leading either right or left, so that there is no dragging of wheels on turns?I can’t understand how the all-terrain vehicle is moving, because the differential is not brewed there, otherwise it would not be able to turn? Does he have both tracks leading in a straight line? If it slips, then what will happen, both husks will slip either one or one in one direction and the other in the opposite direction? I just don’t seem to know how the differential works? Sorry for such questions, maybe they will seem funny to someone, but if you can explain)I’m looking at this all-terrain vehicle, but I can’t figure out what and how yet)
Hello! Tell me how the all-terrain vehicle moves, if there is a bridge with a differential, I just can’t understand)it seems to me all the time that one caterpillar should spin and the second one should stand and the all-terrain vehicle will spin in place, because the differential does not seem to let two wheels […]
To my question from February 6.
https://vk.com/atvdobrynya?z=photo-159330307_456239439%2Falbum-159330307_00%2Frev This is one of the photos with side arcs. Photos in your contact made by you.
Good evening, George! This is a photo of an old model of an all-terrain vehicle, there was something in between a Maxi and a Conveyor, at the moment we no longer produce such things. You can make a security framework as an additional option
Hello! In several pictures of the Dobrynya-Maxi all-terrain vehicle, he saw U-shaped curbs from the pipe to the left and right of the passengers. The pipes are welded into the hull from the end to about the middle of the boat. Please explain the purpose of this edging and how much it costs (or is it some kind of option?). Thanks.
Good afternoon, George!
To be honest, I don’t quite understand what it’s about (Maybe you could drop a link to the photo where you saw it, or attach photos right here to the review. There is an attach image tab below the text.
Good afternoon.
Unfortunately, I didn’t see my previous comment on your site.
And also I didn’t see your answer to the question about the cost of PSM.
Are you withholding information from potential customers? You print only laudatory reviews like “… well done you guys, respect and respect …”.
At least now I have a question whether to contact you for the purchase of your device. Lost a client. The price of your marketing is “0”.
Alexander, information from potential clients, we are not hiding, and publish all reviews, even though your opinion with regards to the interface of the website, information, as such, is not exactly as the review of the ATV)
Once again, the reviews before publishing are moderated, and this process is not always quick, TK calls and requests a lot, and primarily handled by them.
Also, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that firstly, this section is called “reviews and comments”, and not “forum and discussions”, and secondly, if you have an urgent urgent question regarding our equipment, you can always ask it to us by phone, or leave a request for a callback if there is no way to call yourself.
And as experience shows, a “client” who evaluates all-terrain vehicles by the interface of the site and the speed of responses in the comments is not such a potential client)
And how much time you have spent studying the site, writing comments and your opinion, and waiting for answers, can not be compared to just making a phone call and immediately getting answers to all your questions.
Therefore, in any case, we are grateful to you for your feedback and your opinion, and if there are new questions regarding, directly, our all-terrain vehicles and their characteristics – we will wait for your call, or a call request, in extreme cases, at least an email, in which case the answer will not take long) Good luck to you and all the best!
Can I find out why you have such a cost of PSM -130000 rubles? This is almost 50% of the cost of the all-terrain vehicle. 250,000 rubles +130,000 rubles=380000 rubles. And this is standard equipment.
The cost of PSM is not with us, Alexander, but in our wonderful country) The cost of the PSM = the cost of the disposal fee, for such equipment in our Smolensk region, it is about 130,000 rubles., perhaps in other areas, the price is different. The equipment and its cost are not affected by PSM, we purposefully left the choice to the buyer: if you want, pay the recycling fee, get PSM and sleep peacefully, if you don’t want, don’t pay and don’t receive, and drive at your own risk.
Hello, well done you guys, respect and respect!!! I will make the same device, only with the depreciation of the middle wheel, but not the carriage, namely the wheel (eliminates the relaxation of the caterpillar), while the wings will have to be oval. Yes, it will make the project more expensive, but in my opinion it’s worth it. In the end, another model, believe me, she will find her buyer. In
I used to look in the “side” of the motorcycle tank, and now I realized that only the “TANK” Still wanted to consult with you in terms of towing, my suggestion is to perform some fasteners directly in the design to attach the wheels of the “rolling” and the drawbar to them, and no trailer for you according to traffic regulations, this may be a violation, well, this is if samodelkin does and you may need to certify this case.. There are ideas on the topic . My alegator0707@gmail.com if of course you are interested. Once again, you are WELL DONE, good luck guys. R.S. and most importantly, the equipment is budget.
Good afternoon, Alexander!
Thank you for your kind words, we are glad that we inspired you to create a similar device. We are sure that there will definitely be a buyer for it. With regard to towing without a trailer, it’s a good idea, let’s think about whether it can be implemented within the framework of the law, and if so, how. I have written down your contacts, we will definitely contact you. Good luck in your endeavors, there should be a lot of good all-terrain vehicles!)
Good afternoon. I watched a video about your wonderful all-terrain vehicle, and there are significant comments on the chassis, the drive wheel is prone to slipping, especially in the clay mud that we have everywhere, and somehow the drive wheel is not serious without hooks.Also, the all-terrain vehicle has a feature of sticking its nose when descending or overcoming ditches, which is fraught with flooding if it is a descent to the water. It makes sense to raise the leading sprocket and push it forward to the very nose of the hull, and leave the “leading” wheel just a roller, what do you think?
Good afternoon, Vadim! Yes, the idea is good, at the moment we are working on the development of a tensioner and a parasitic roller, as soon as it is ready and tested, we will definitely post the videos, follow our updates on social networks! And thank you for your feedback and idea!
Good afternoon.
Interested in the question of replacing wheels or changing, for example, a caterpillar, how is its tension regulated? the moment of washing / cleaning the interior space is also interesting (because in fact it is a boat, but there are a lot of corners inside, and it’s not easy to turn it over like a boat and wash it) is there some kind of drain hole? Is it possible to use it on public roads? Will it pull if the snow dump is made 2 times higher, because there is a chance that the snow can fall over the top under the all-terrain vehicle?
Good afternoon, Nikolai!
The wheels change elementary, as on any car – unscrew the bolts and change) The goose also changes quite easily, it takes about 25-30 minutes to install by one person, we will soon post a separate video on its installation. The tension of the caterpillar is regulated by tightening its parts to each other during installation (they overlap) and the pressure in the wheels.
With regard to the sink, there are two drain holes in the base of each all-terrain vehicle.
On public roads to go to the swamp, of course, impossible, tons of equipment crawler first, second not equipped with the necessary equipment for public roads (turn signals, brake lights, beep, etc.)
The blade twice every tractor pull, and we, all the same, the Rover)) And the weight of the car is too small for us – about 600 kg in total. Therefore, so that the snow does not roll over under the all-terrain vehicle, you need to pass the site twice)
Good day! We need a good inexpensive all-terrain vehicle for fishing. I’m looking closely at your Dobrynya – Maxi and Transporter. When viewing the add. options on them from 15.01.19. faced with the following vague moments.Do I correctly perceive the “side awning with three valves” indicated in the price list (literally in the text) for 24 tr., as a running awning without a roof? A And A “top running awning” spelled out in the line above – 6t.p., is this the roof for the side awning? And the whole set costs 30 tr, respectively. If this is not the case, then please add to the text. the corresponding adjustments are made on these lines. Yes, and the wheels in the price list 175/80/14 are wheels with reinforced tread “C” or that were used earlier. And how much does it cost to replace the new “C” from R13 to R14. It would not be bad to know the clearance of the “Maxi” with these three wheels.
Sincerely, Yuri.
Good evening, Yuri!
With regard to awnings, a side awning is an awning in the circle of the car, and a running awning is an awning that is installed from above, but it is difficult to call it a roof, it is a running awning from rain or sun. The roof, as an option, we install from corrugated aluminum, those can be a running awning, or you can roof. With regard to the wheels, we used to install ordinary 13-radius wheels in the base, now – 13-radius with the index C (reinforced cargo), but in the price list, just as an additional option, the cost of an additional payment for 14-radius wheels is indicated. The clearance of the Maxi, like the rest of the models, used to be 30 cm on 13 wheels, now on wheels 13 c – 37 cm, and on 14 wheels – 39 cm.
ps – reviews appear on the site only after verification by a moderator)
Interested in your all-terrain vehicle (transporter). There are a few questions. The site does not indicate the brand of the engine (or I did not find it), How the all-terrain vehicle behaves in the swamp, all the videos on the Internet are mainly in winter or in the forest, there are on forest rivers, but it is the swamps that are of interest. As I understand it, there is no blocking in the bridge and in the swamp this can lead to the fact that one caterpillar is working, the other one does not have to pull the brakes, I will immediately make a reservation that there is no personal experience, maybe I got it wrong. That’s it for now.
Good evening, Valery! The brand of engines is Lifan. It is difficult to say how it behaves in the swamp, it overcomes all the swamps that exist in our Yartsevo region without problems, in the spring we will look for more serious swamps. Several more cars are now going to the regions, buyers also promised to shoot a video. Yes, that’s right, there is no blocking, and in this case you will have to work with the brakes. In the future, the planetarium will most likely appear as an additional option.
Ps asked everything is fine, there is simply not enough time to process all calls, applications and also a forum))
Produce good equipment! And characteristically, you are improving it, my respect to you. Something that’s just not quite satisfied with the options of the windshield on the MAXI. From which car can you install a natural windshield with a triplex (heating is not needed) and what will be the cost. If there are no options, then as such – the rear window from the vase or others. but without heating and with a sunscreen sticker. Success. Is there any glass in the database?
Good evening, George! Thank you for your feedback, it’s very nice, we will continue to improve! Unfortunately, at the moment, we do not install triplex windshields. And VAZ does not produce such rear windows (In the base of the Maxi, like other models, there is no glass. It is put together with a rigid frame, as additional equipment, or vandal-proof (made of anti-fog monolithic polycarbonate), the cost is 8,000 rubles, or folding, as in the photo, the cost is 11,000 rubles.
And how did Dobrynya prove himself as a snow plowman? Is there a diagram and instructions for installing the blade? Whether Dobrynya is produced in the snowplow option. How much will its price be in the Maxi version and snow removal equipment? Is there a photo of a similar version?
Good afternoon! It shows itself perfectly in the role of a snowplow, below is a link to a video and a photo of a car with a blade.
There are no instructions for installing the blade, everything is simple there – the lifting height is adjusted using a winch, and the angle of attack is fixed manually. The cost of the Dobrynya Maxi all-terrain vehicle depends on the selected type and engine power, from 240,000 to 315,000 rubles, the blade as an option costs 20,000 rubles with installation, plus a winch (from 18,000 rubles), you can read more about all additional equipment and prices in the price list – https://s2.siteapi.org/f95be2f7169046e/docs/q88vcgjnnaooggscskgoccwccko4ow
Hello! Please answer the following questions: is there a big difference in speed, etc. the driving qualities of the Dobrynya Maxi all-terrain vehicle with engines of 24 hp and 27 hp? Where are the exhaust gases output (it is not clear in the photo)?. Are there any brief technical instructions and operating instructions?
Good afternoon, George! No, there are no significant differences in speed and driving characteristics of the 24 and 27 hp engines, the 27-horsepower engine comes with two carburetors and is 1.5 kW more powerful and 2 kg heavier, there is no more difference between them, fuel consumption is the same, the torque is the same. In terms of speed on a straight road, both engines can accelerate up to 60 km/h. The exhaust pipe is displayed depending on the model, either on the side, now they have begun to do about the tracks, or back. The engines 24 and 27 hp have a modified exhaust system with a car muffler, photo in the attachment.
Instructions and operating instructions are currently being developed, they will be ready closer to spring, while we can consult in detail by phone: 8-906-768-93-78
Good afternoon. The technique is wonderful, there is a desire to buy. Tell me, is there a video about how a snowplow works? Our farm is in the Kostroma region, there is a lot of snow, the 4-osnik will probably be more passable, and there is no video of the appearance and comparison of passability. Thank you.
Good afternoon, Yuri! Thank you for your kind words! Yes, there is a video, here is the link: https://vk.com/videos-159330307 ?z=video-159330307_456239047%2Fclub159330307%2Fpl_-159330307_-2
A 4-axis for snow will definitely be better, because the length of the caterpillar increases, and as a result, the pressure on the ground decreases, you can additionally install caterpillar expanders, there will be 550 mm each (400 mm in the base) We will definitely make a video with a 4-axle car in the near future!
Обязательное поле
At the end of February 2021, he purchased the Dobrynya Bulat all-terrain vehicle. After 18 hours of operation, it was revealed that the tension rollers began to grind together with the "fangs" in an unnatural way from the inside. Realizing that this should not happen, I turned to the company's management. Trying to understand the reason, it turned out that the beam on which the rollers are attached bent in a barely noticeable arc and the tracks diverge in different directions from the body. I turned to the management of the company attaching visual information. Within 10 days, the company manufactured at its own expense and supplied me with a newly manufactured beam with rollers, for which I express my respect and gratitude to the entire Dobrynya team. Good luck to you!
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С радостью сообщаем Вам что 17 сентября пройдут ежегодные соревнование по бездорожью Ураган Трофи 2022 "Листопад"!
Представляем Вашему вниманию новейший вездеход амфибию на колесах низкого давления - Добрыня Финист.
Мы запускаем акцию до конца августа - при заказа любой модели вездехода - СКИДКА 50 000 руб. или ОПЦИИ в подарок на 60 000 руб.
Рады представить Вашему вниманию новинку от нашей компании - вездеход амфибию Добрыня Турист😍 Добрыня Турист - топовая модель в нашей линейке вездеходов, мы постарались учесть все пожелания наших покупателей и собрать их воедино в Туристе!
Важная информация о регулировании ценовой политики в нынешней крайне настабильной экономической ситуации🧐
We are glad to present to your attention a novelty from our company - the Dobrynya amphibious all-terrain vehicle "Transporter". Its advantage lies primarily in the capacity of 5 passengers and an additional 350 kg of cargo!