Обновленный вездеход Добрыня Финист
Вездеходы амфибии Добрыня от производителя
Вездеходы амфибии Добрыня от производителя
Вездеходы амфибии Добрыня от производителя
Вездеходы амфибии Добрыня от производителя
ВТБ Экология
МЧС России
We made the first all-terrain vehicle in 2014, it was conceived and assembled for personal use when it became clear that SUVs and ATVs stopped driving where they wanted. A lot has changed since then. And first of all - our concept.
We realized that we can produce high-quality, reliable, unpretentious and extremely passable all-terrain vehicles at affordable prices.
This segment of motor vehicles has always been distinguished by a high cost, while in the vast expanses of our vast Homeland there are a huge number of travelers, fishermen, hunters and residents of remote settlements who cannot afford an all-terrain vehicle as a vehicle.